“In a world myriad as ours, the gaze is a singular act: to look at something is to fill your whole life with it, if only briefly” Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
I call this the growing season. To the average person this season seems anything but! We’re growing, growing, growing our big hearts out!
Our greenhouses are filling up every day, but at this stage everything is so small. We anxiously wait to see little buds and glimpses of color to let us know we did something right.
When the plants are this small you have to look closer and with a more patient eye.
If you know me at all you know I am obsessed with taking pictures of flowers (just wait till the Ranunculus bloom)!
In the past year or so, with the help of a macro lens and the power of zoom, I have fallen in love with the intricate centers of the flowers, the shapes and edges of the petals, even the dusting of pollen I see. A tiny universe we often overlook.
So what can we learn from looking closely? I think maybe by going deep into the center we come to better understand the whole, which, when you go a step further, relates to everything in our lives. Beauty resides at the center if you just look close enough.
Maybe we’re all flowers?
Enjoy the pics! Love, Amy
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